SLT (School Leadership Team)
The Business Technology Early College High School's School Leadership Team (SLT) consists of both parent, student, and staff members and plays a very important role in our school with regard to helping set the standards of the academic and social needs of our students and ensuring that those standards are met. We encourage parents to become familiar with the goals of the team and understand how the team works to meet the goals that have been set.
The SLT Meeting Schedule
SLT Meetings are scheduled for every third Wednesday of the month (except when indicated otherwise) at 5:30 p.m. Any parent/guardian of a registered BTECH student is welcome to attend.
The first SLT meeting of the 2021-2022 school year will be held on September 22nd at 5:30 p.m.
The Mission of the School Leadership Team (SLT)
The mission of the SLT is to carry out the implementation of the school’s vision and mission. The School Leadership Team is dedicated to helping provide each student with a diverse education in a safe, supportive environment. The team is responsible for participating in the development and review of the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) and ensuring that the school’s budget is aligned to support the CEP as well as the identification and resolution of concerns and issues that have come to the attention of the team members through ongoing communication among the different constituencies of the school community.
The Composition of the School Leadership Team (SLT)
There are an equal number of parents and staff members on the leadership team. The core members of the team are the principal, the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Chapter Chairperson and the PA President or Co-President. The remaining members of the team consist of 4 UFT/DC37 members, 5 parents and 4 students (one from each grade). The length of the term for team members (with the exception of student and core members) shall be two years and elections will be held at the beginning of the school year. The students are selected by the student body and shall serve on the team for a period of one year.